The Environmental League of Massachusetts is dedicated to protecting the health of our environment and citizenry by safeguarding the land, water and air of our Commonwealth. Field First works with ELM to communicate with members, donors, and the public on their social media and email channels.
In 2018, Field First ran the ELM Action Fund’s Independent Expenditure PAC, working to elect, reelect, and defend seats of environmental champions in the state legislature. The ELM Action Fund IE PAC succeeded in 5 out of the 6 chosen races, ensuring that there are legislators in the State House who will advocate for environmental protections.
In 2019 and 2020, Field First is helping the Environmental League of Massachusetts Action Fund run their Municipal Light Plants Project, helping elect environmentally-friendly voters to their local municipal light board. Municipal light boards control electricity and energy to their municipalities, and are in a unique position to lead on clean energy and sustainability.