Raise Up Massachusetts

Raise Up Massachusetts is a coalition of 150 faith, labor, and community organizations fighting for economic and social justice in Massachusetts. In 2013 and 2014, Field First worked with Raise Up Massachusetts to collect signatures to put two questions on the ballot: raising the minimum wage and guaranteeing earned sick time for all workers. In total, over 365,000 signatures were collected. The minimum wage increase to $11/hour was passed by the legislature and earned sick time (Question 4) was passed on November 4th, 2014 by a large margin of 59-41%.

In 2015, Field First worked with Raise Up to move forward a constitutional amendment that would tax incomes over a million dollars with a 4% surcharge that would raise approximately $2 billion annually for transportation and public education. Field First led efforts to collect 152,000 signatures, which advanced the amendment to two constitutional conventions in 2016 and 2017 where it passed with 70% support. A Supreme Judicial Court decision ruled against the citizens’ initiative in 2018, but now it is moving forward as a legislative amendment to the constitution.

In 2017 and 2018, Field First worked with Raise Up to collect signatures to put a $15 minimum wage and Paid Family and Medical Leave on the ballot, collecting over 174,000 signatures. Both bills were passed by the state legislature in June. Currently, Field First is working with Raise Up to pass the Fair Share Amendment.  Learn more about our work for this client here.